Thank you to Candy Colwell of Creativity is Contagious who has given me a Stylish Blogger Award. Her work is amazing so I am very honoured.
Here's what you have to do if you accept the award :
Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog.
Share 7 things about yourself
Award 7 recently discovered blogs the award and contact them to let them know
So, Candy, I gratefully accept the award and here are seven things about me:
1. I am 37 and live on the South Coast of the UK
2. I was head girl at school!
3. I have a degree in Cultural Studies and A Level Art
4. I have a gorgeous little boy of 4.
5. I love anything vintage and have collections of vintage magazines and postcards.
6. I love Chinese food.
7. I would love to visit the Far East
Here are my 7 choices which was really hard to do!
3. Fabric Art
7 .La De Dah
Hi Emma
I have just been looking through your blog and love what you are making and creating, your work is beautiful.
Thankyou for choosing me for this award, I am very surprised but feel very honoured at the same time that you chose me as one of your seven. I accept and will blog it now.
I shall be back to see what you are doing in the future.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox
Awwww thank you, I'm honoured to one of your 7 :)
Jan x
Thanks I'm so honoured.
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